FAS Support


Optimization Plan Draft for Review

Hi All,

Please find attached the draft of the optimization plan I have created for the server.

I would appreciate your review and feedback at your earliest convenience. Let me know if you have any questions or require further details. 

Rahul Reghunadh

by "Systems Engineer, FAS" <sys_ops@fas.org.in> - 04:14 - 30 Dec 2024


  • Re: Optimization Plan Draft for Review
    Let's have a call with Arindam once he is available.

    Rahul: Please coordinate the meeting, it can be done online as well.

    On 30 December 2024 9:44:49 am IST, "Systems Engineer, FAS" <sys_ops@fas.org.in> wrote:
    Hi All,

    Please find attached the draft of the optimization plan I have created for the server.

    I would appreciate your review and feedback at your earliest convenience. Let me know if you have any questions or require further details. 

    Rahul Reghunadh

    by "shijil" <shijil@fsmk.org> - 05:29 - 30 Dec 2024