FAS Support


  • Re: Optimization Plan Draft for Review
    Let's have a call with Arindam once he is available.

    Rahul: Please coordinate the meeting, it can be done online as well.

    On 30 December 2024 9:44:49 am IST, "Systems Engineer, FAS" <sys_ops@fas.org.in> wrote:
    Hi All,

    Please find attached the draft of the optimization plan I have created for the server.

    I would appreciate your review and feedback at your earliest convenience. Let me know if you have any questions or require further details. 

    Rahul Reghunadh

    by "shijil" <shijil@fsmk.org> - 05:29 - 30 Dec 2024
  • Optimization Plan Draft for Review
    Hi All,

    Please find attached the draft of the optimization plan I have created for the server.

    I would appreciate your review and feedback at your earliest convenience. Let me know if you have any questions or require further details. 

    Rahul Reghunadh

    by "Systems Engineer, FAS" <sys_ops@fas.org.in> - 04:14 - 30 Dec 2024
  • Meeting Minutes – 6th December 2024
    Hi All,

    Thank you for attending the meeting today. Below are the key points discussed and decisions made:

    Decisions Made:

    1. FSMK will demonstrate the ODOO ERP system to FAS.
    2. Webmin will be set up on the DR server.
    2. The focus will be on backup optimization.
    3. The "oldshare" folder will be sanitized and moved to an external SSD.
    4. Validation of the migration process is prioritized.

    These decisions will be the priority for this month.

    Additional Tasks Assigned:

    1. Optimize the audit of laptops.
    2. Set up a new server monitoring system.

    Rahul Reghunadh

    by "Systems Engineer, FAS" <sys_ops@fas.org.in> - 05:25 - 11 Dec 2024